Monday, April 14, 2014

SB 175


"Everything the pro-life movement has worked toward over the past decades is in jeopardy.
On Thursday, Senate Bill 175 will be debated. It is titled: SB 175 - Concerning Freedom From Government Interference in an Individual's Reproductive Health Decisions. This bill is an attempt by legislators in Colorado to enshrine FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act) legislation into Colorado law. This is a radical bill that would create a "fundamental right" to abortion, defined as "reproductive healthcare."

It would prevent any new regulation or policy that "denies or interferes with an individual's reproductive health care decision." SB175 will eliminate any current regulation or policy, such as parental notification laws, parental involvement laws, laws promoting maternal health, government programs that promote childbirth, conscience protections laws, regulation of abortion doctors, laws regulating school health clinics, laws concerning abstinence education, laws affecting pregnancy centers and so on.

SB 175 will be heard in the Senate Health and Human Services on Thursday, April 10, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 352."

This is a note from the Archdiocese of Denver. I ask that you please pray and learn more about this bill. Even if you do not live in Colorado please pray for this matter. 

Thank you,
Carina B. 

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